Black and Gold

31 August

Madness Black Crop Top | Madness Maxi Black Knit Skirt |
 Tobi Nude Clutch | Zara Nude Strapped Heels

Hi loves :) so I've been trying to pick up my fashion blog ever since I took a huge hiatus in the summer.. >< here I am wearing a maxi skirt (YAY finally!! you have no idea how long I've wanted one..) and a black crop top all from a cute little boutique called "Madness" I found between Chinatown and Soho! I feel like one of the main reasons I go up to NYC so much is to buy all the clothes in that store-- they have an online store as well but not all of the merchandise are on there :( anyway I've been obsessed with gold lately! I think wearing black+white and gold jewelry/accessories together are always a great combination to dress up or down to! I just ordered new gold jewelry (bangles and rings) and I will showcase them on my next post!!

:D Thanks and have a happy rest of the weekend!

Yours truly,


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Copyright © Cece Lam